These are events that I think are interesting to the SuperPacket audience.
Updated 2021-05-21
Various, 2021
Some of these Hackaday Events sound pretty interesting!
March, 2021
2021-03-13 and 14 - QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo (virtual)
April, 2021
2021-04-20 and 21 - Communications Academy (virtual)
2021-04-24 - MicroHAMS Amateur Radio Club Digital Conference (virtual)
2021-04-24 - Vintage Computer Festival Swap Meet (physical in Wall, NJ, USA)
(There's considerable overlap between Amateur Radio and vintage computing.)
June, 2021
2021-06-25 thru 27 - HAM Radio (aka Friedrichshafen) (virtual)
August, 2021
2021-08-07 and 08 - Vintage Computer Federation West (physical in Mountain View, CA, USA)
I hope to attend this event.
2021-08-14 and 15 - QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo (virtual)
2021-08-15 - Swapfest: The Flea at MIT (physical in Cambridge, MA, USA)
This is the second best electronics flea market I've ever attended. (Hamvention is the best.)
2021-08-20 thru 22 - Vintage Computer Festival Southeast (physical in Atlanta, GA, USA)
2021-08-21 and 22 - Huntsville Hamfest (physical in Huntsville, AL, USA)
(There's no indication of anything specific relating to SuperPacket's focus, but this will be the closest equivalent to Hamvention in the US in 2021.)
September, 2021
2021-09-11 and 12 - Vintage Computer Federation Midwest (physical in Elmhurst, IL, USA)
2021-09-10 thru 12 - Northwest APRS Summer Gathering (physical in North Bend-, WA, USA)
2021-09-17 thru 19 - ARRL and TAPR Digital Communications Conference (physical in Charlotte, NC, USA)
2021-09-19- Swapfest: The Flea at MIT (physical in Cambridge, MA, USA)
2021-09-20 thru 24 - GNU Radio Conference (GRCon) (physical in Charlotte, NC, USA and virtual)
October, 2021
2021-10-08 thru 10 - Vintage Computer Festival East (physical in Wall, NJ, USA)
2021-10-15 thru 17 - PACIFICON (physical in San Ramon, CA, USA)
(There's no indication of anything specific relating to SuperPacket's focus, but this will be the only major Amateur Radio convention on the US West Coast in 2021.)
2021-10-17- Swapfest: The Flea at MIT (physical in Cambridge, MA, USA)
Thanks for reading!
Steve Stroh N8GNJ
Bellingham, Washington, USA
Copyright © 2021 by Steven K. Stroh