On 2023-04-18 I did a brief presentation to the Mount Baker Amateur Radio Club's (MBARC) Digital Group (DG).
The idea was suggested by DG President, Budd Churchward WB7FHC. He suggested that I pick a few story ideas from the past month of Zero Retries that would be of interest to the DG and present them in a 5-10 minute segment. The topics I chose for this month were:
- Tigertronics Microphone Adapters
- Masters Communications Multiple Modem to Single Radio Multiplexers
- New 222-225 MHz Mobile Radio from Alinco
- USB Over Ethernet With a Raspberry Pi and VirtualHere Software
I was delighted and honored to do this. The DG is my local "Amateur Radio Digital" organization, and when I attend their meetings, I always learn something.
This presentation may be the first of a series of ongoing presentations (segments) of future DG meetings. We'll see how it goes for the DG and for me.
Here is the "slide deck" that I presented for the April, 2023 DG meeting:
Steve Stroh N8GNJ