From the page:
The topics I discuss in my newsletter Zero Retries are… varied (to be charitable). I do try to keep them roughly aligned with the theme Technological Innovation in Amateur Radio. In my mind (as Editor), these varied topics are a continuum, but as new subscribers trickle in, I certainly don’t blame them for not exhaustively reading the 50+ previous issues (and counting) of Zero Retries to get up to speed. To help with that issue, I decided to devote every decadal issue, beginning with Zero Retries 0040, to a "brain dump" of Zero Retries Interesting projects, products, etc.
I didn't achieve that goal (of a single issue), and it ended up spread across Zero Retries 0039 and Zero Retries 0040 that published 2022-03-25 and 2022-04-01 respectively. This [new] page is a distillation of all the information from those two issues, in a single reference that's easier to browse.
Visit the new page at
Thanks for reading!
Steve Stroh N8GNJ
Bellingham, Washington, USA
Copyright © 2022 by Steven K. Stroh