From the page:
Zero Retries Interesting from Zero Retries 0050, 0051, and 0052
The topics I discuss in my newsletter Zero Retries are… varied (to be charitable). I do try to keep them roughly aligned with the theme Technological Innovation in Amateur Radio. In my mind (as Editor), these varied topics are a continuum, but as new subscribers trickle in, I certainly don’t blame them for not exhaustively reading the 50+ previous issues (and counting) of Zero Retries to get up to speed. To help with that issue, I decided to devote every decadal issue, beginning with Zero Retries 0040, to a "brain dump" of Zero Retries Interesting Projects, Products, etc.
I didn't achieve that goal (of a single issue), and it ended up spread across Zero Retries 0039 and Zero Retries 0040 that published 2022-03-25 and 2022-04-01 respectively. To make it easier to reference that information, I created a web page that distilled the information in those those two issues into a single reference that's easier to browse.
This page does the same for information spread across Zero Retries 0050, Zero Retries 0051, and Zero Retries 0052.
Just because you don’t see a thing mentioned in this reference doesn’t mean a particular thing isn’t cool or interesting. There’s only so much space that Substack (the platform for publishing Zero Retries) allows, so I have to be terse. Some things belong in more than one category, but for economy of space, I’ll only list a thing once in the category that (in my opinion) fits most closely. I suggest you read the following references as mentally prepending the title as “If you’re interested in X, then check out these Ys”.
This list is but a smattering of just how much technical innovation IS occurring in Amateur Radio. And yet, you only read about a “smattering of this smattering” in the “Amateur Radio Publishing Industrial Complex”, and I don’t just mean the two leading US Amateur Radio magazines. To a great extent, the Amateur Radio YouTube hosts are just as guilty of not showcasing the breadth of technological innovation that is occurring. It’s maddening to see “innovation” reduced to the newest, shiniest HF radio, or portable, or ? To me, what is most encouraging about Amateur Radio innovation is the totality of the technological innovation that’s occurring.
Zero Retries is just one voice in Amateur Radio, operating with no budget, with one writer. You’d think there would be more, and better funded such efforts. I agree that there should be.
This page should not be considered comprehensive, and lack of inclusion here should not be considered as lack of endorsement as “Zero Retries Interesting”. Much good stuff was not included simply due to limited space. Apologies in advance for terse / incomplete descriptions - see the links for detail.
Many of these items have been discussed previously in Zero Retries - just Search Zero Retries.
Visit the new page at
Thanks for reading!
Steve Stroh N8GNJ
Bellingham, Washington, USA
Copyright © 2022 by Steven K. Stroh