Truth be told, to my fellow Amateur Radio Operators, Amateur Packet Radio was my first love. It combined three of my technological passions - radio communications, computers, and data communications. When I moved to the Seattle area in 1987, I fell in with a bad crowd which over the decades has become known as the "WETNET Mafia". That group built a number of Amateur Radio data repeaters (full regeneration) operating at 9600 bps, and operated TCP/IP (concurrent with the opening of the Internet to "civilians"). I wrote about that network in an article
The Puget Sound Amateur Radio TCP/IP Network (Circa 1995). I've sporadically written about Amateur Radio data communications over the years, including periods of writing for (and very briefly, editing) the TAPR Packet Status Register (PSR) newsletter, and a column in CQ Amateur Radio magazine.
As of 2020, I'm semi-retired and living in Bellingham, Washington and devoting much of my time to exploring Amateur Radio Data Communications.
I'm the Editor of Zero Retries Newsletter which discusses technological innovation in Amateur Radio.
Updated Interesting and Advanced Projects / Products in Amateur Radio page
I made a number of additions to my web page Interesting and Advanced Projects / Products in Amateur Radio.
There is no change log or diff available - it's intended as a cumulative list of Interesting and Advanced Projects / Products in Amateur Radio.
Thanks for reading!
Steve Stroh N8GNJ
Bellingham, Washington, USA
Copyright © 2021 by Steven K. Stroh
Posted by Steve Stroh on April 20, 2021 at 08:36 PM in Amateur Radio Future, ARDC, AREDN, ARISS, Coolness, General Commentary, Growing Amateur Radio, Internet, Microwave, Networking, New Packet Radio, Organizations, Packet Radio, Radios, Satellite, Software Defined Transceiver, SuperPacket Web Pages, TCP/IP, WSJT Modes | Permalink