I began this post expecting to chastise the leadership of the MicroHAMS Amateur Radio Club for going past the last reasonable moment for posting information about this Saturday's virtual MicroHAMS 2021 Digital Conference (MHDC). I haven't posted about this favorite event until now as there simply wasn't anything to report, except the date. I had "side" information that the conference would in fact be held, and there was active planning underway for some interesting speakers, but nothing publicly disclosed. But, as I browsed to the MHDC website tonight, to write this post, lo and behold, there was (finally) an update, posted today.
Really, MicroHAMS leadership... this great conference (and the great speakers you've scheduled) deserves better than an announcement posted literally a few days before the actual conference. Not to mention, not even mentioning the actual date of the conference (just the hint of "see you Saturday") or the actual URL for viewing MHDC 2021.
Reproduced in whole below, because at this late date, they need all the publicity they can get.
MicroHAMS Digital Conference 2021 – Update
Since 2007 the Microsoft Amateur Radio Club (MicroHAMS) has held a conference focusing on digital communications: the MicroHAMS Digital Conference (MHDC). The mission of the MDHC conference is to “inspire, inform and educate.” As such, the MHDC presenters offer a variety of topics across a wide range of skill levels.
One of the virtues of going online is that we can invite presenters that would be impractical to bring to the Seattle area. This year, half of our presenters are from outside our area. The latest updates will be published on the MicroHAMS web site at http://www.microhams.com/mhdc/.
This year’s conference will feature the following –
Walter Holmes, K5WH – Free DV Digital Voice for HF
Gregg Marco, W6IZT – Rig in a Box solution for DXpeditions
Bob Bruninga, WB4APR – The APRS author will discuss the latest developments
Paul Elliott, WB6CXC – Developing and tracking drift buoys
Paul Sturmer, KI7WLV – High speed communications from HuskySat-1
Bryan Hoyer, K7UDR – The ultimate packet workstation
Now in our 14th year, we are repeating the online format from last year’s event. The 2021 conference will be streamed to YouTube and at no charge (donations welcome). One of the virtues of going online is that we can invite presenters that would be impractical to bring to the Seattle area and support an unlimited number of attendees. In 2021, half of our presenters are from outside the Pacific Northwest.
During the conference, there are two ways that attendees can interact with our presenters. Attendees can ask questions in the YouTube chat channel, which we will pass on to the presenters during Q&A. For live Q&A, each session has a Zoom breakout room available at the end of the session. Presenters and attendees can hang out and answer questions in person for the hour after their session has aired. The entire conference will also be recorded and available on YouTube for viewing later.
See you Saturday!
Scott Honaker, N7SS for the MHDC Team
This is one of my favorite conferences of the year. Recommended! This is one of the few virtual events that I make time to attend "live" (though I intend to watch it on iPad in my shop, doing various Amateur Radio activities).
Thanks for reading!
Steve Stroh N8GNJ
Bellingham, Washington, USA