From: Mark Thompson <wb9qzb@
Date: Feb 16, 2008 1:03 PM
Subject: [illinoisdigitalham] DStar Comms
To: illinoisdigitalham@yahoogroups
DStar Comms is an application used with D-Dstar enabled radios through the data port on the radio. There are many features and functions that would support many groups and users requirements.
Main Features:
1) Text Chat (Send and Receive text messages between DStar Comms Users)
2) Beacon Mode (Periodically send Text Based Beacons)
3) Email Gateway (Will allow RF users to relay emails to the internet)
4) Email Composer (Allows user to send an email to a DStar Comms user
who has configured the Email Gateway)
5) Address Book for keeping users email address.
6) Heard List (Automatically records heard users callsigns)
----- Forwarded Message ----
Sent of behalf of Matt M0DQW
If you've heard of DStar Comms before then please forgive me.
Just thought I would send an email to the group to let you know about the latest version of DStar Comms.
Here's the current feature list:
1) Text Chat (Send and Receive text messages between DStar Comms Users)
2) Beacon Mode (Periodically send Text Based Beacons)
3) Email Gateway (Will allow RF users to relay emails to the internet via fixed users)
4) Email Composer (Allows user to send an email to a DStar Comms user who has configured the Email Gateway)
5) Address Book for keeping users email address.
6) Heard List (Automatically records heard users callsigns)
7) Font style and colour selcation for main window.
If you would like to try the software please visit my website: for the D-Star Comm download and forum.
Thanks and 73's
Matt - M0DQW
Gavin Nesbitt,
CRG Technical Coordinator.